Want more followers on Twitter?
Of course you do!
Unless you’re a celebrity -- building a following on twitter is a slow and steady task.
The good news is, it’s still doable!
You can grow your followers fast, and you won't need to sell your soul in the process.
This is precisely what we talked about this week on #ViralChat.
And as always -- our Viral Chat community contributed some valuable Twitter info!
For this post, we've chosen 36 tweets to highlight.
We hope they motivate and inspire you to actively build your own engaged Twitter audience!
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36 Smarty-Pants Experts Just Shared Their #1 Tip on Building an Engaged Twitter Audience
What strategies do you have for growing your Twitter followers?
Follow the followers of those who are in your target market. More likely to follow back. @JeffSheehan
Follow the people who bring value to your expertise &/or share it and engage regularly. @SamPavin
Focus on building relationships and adding value. @LUCYrk78
To get more followers on Twitter, start following others and engage with them. @AskAaronLee
Twitter chats are my best tip for growing your followers and creating an online community. @Maegan_Holloway
Don't focus on the quantity of followers, but the quality. Make genuine connections, invest your time in them. @TheKyleMurray
How to grow your Twitter following: - Use Twitterlist - Be a ‘leader’ in your expertise/topic. @StringStory
Be human, constantly engage with your niche without being a pushy salesman douche. @deviorobert
You must engage with your audience in a positive way and uplift them. @chevd80
More followers is the byproduct of solid tweets that have value. Tweet selflessly and they will come. @btgallagher
Be a strong, authentic influencer who genuinely helps others to improve their lives. @jeremypmurphy
Balance between following target audience, retweeting, providing valuable content and importantly, engage- Twitter chats! @Di_Mulan
Follow people in your industry, take part in Twitter chats, be active with about 15 tweets a day and 'look' real?! LOL @AdeldMeyer
Growing a following is not as important as conversations and helping. You will get followers if people find value. @GautamGhosh
Be helpful and initiate meaningful conversation. @EvelynACreative
Join #viralchat - you can meet so many awesome people here you can follow. @DlinkersSEO
Take a sincere interest in people, and engage. @PatchOfLand
ENGAGE!! Contribute and be a cheerleader! Have an answer to "Who did I help today?" the rest will come. @ohiosocialmom
For follower building, my numbers exploded when I got into chats. Few bots get into chats. Rumor is most chatters are real. @JKatzaman
Listen to your audience and provide valuable content.. Be gracious, respond, engage. @cindymillet8
Grow your followers by engaging with your audience / connections on & off online. Promote yourself & share ideas. @DeeSpeciale
Engage- It is NOT just for Trekkies anymore! @ChaimShapiro
Chat with people and be SOCIAL! @MediaMaven_CN
Acknowledging people is always good, on or offline. @nsphire
Keep a vigilant eye & maintain steadfast bearing w/ those U can learn from, choose a mentor. @SnowinRI
First, quality content (folks should learn something, get something when following). Then be very active (post frequently). @bditcheva
Most importantly we need to remember building relationships don't happen overnight. You need to take your time. @husamerciyes
I use hashtags & K.I.S.S. (keep it short & simple) it w/ a visual. Chats really boosted my follows/engagement. @AuthorShereeseM
Engage, interact, converse, prove value, find what catches your attention and participate, join chat events. @DIYWebsiteBuild
I've found a healthy mix of #Followbacks, retweeting others & just making connections w/ others is the best method. @BayleafButtons
Share awesome content and be REAL. Interact with others like you'd meet them in person. Thank your peeps for engaging! @kimdoyal
People also follow you when they know you are tweeting about something specific. Give them that reason and they will follow. @TravHQ
Number 1 is Engage and don't just promote. Provide Value @MikeKawula
Engage. Engage. Engage. @saulternative
Join some Twitter chats and engage w/followers is my best tip to growing a following on Twitter. @GTAmissions1
Engagement and content - with honor - honesty and sincerity... Don't just shout - be there to help too. @T4Leonard
Here's a summary of what we learned from all the tweet tips:
- Engage, engage, engage!
- Add VALUE by sharing useful tweets
- Follow people in your industry
- Join Twitter chats
- Be sincere and approachable
- Use hashtags
- Listen, listen, listen
and more importantly..... be HUMAN!
What is your best tip?
I’d love to hear from you about what has worked for you when growing your own engaged Twitter audience.
Any tips you’d like to share?
Any tactics you’re itching to try out?
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