It's the first Facebook Answerman podcast of 2013!!! Woohoo!!
If you've been listening to the podcast I really do appreciate it, if this is your first time listening welcome to my show.
Just to recap, each week I will cover a few personal updates about myself, talk about updates to Facebook, answer YOUR questions about Facebook, Highlight a Facebook page and talk about the good and the bad of it, give a Facebook tip of the week and give a parting shot for you to think on until next week...
Whew! That's a lot huh?!
This week I cover a possible layout change to your Timeline. I then discuss the really great update to the Facebook Messenger app that now includes a voice message feature! I discuss the good and bad of the Shark Tank Facebook page. And give you some tips on how to better leverage Edgerank.
Plus I talk about how Robert Scoble poked me... Over and over again...
All that and more on this week's episode. You can listen to it here in the player embedded below. I'll provide links to other outlets below as well. Thanks for listening and be sure to share, comment, tweet, +1 and etc!!
You can follow me on Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.
If you want me to answer a question of yours on the show go to AskScott.TV
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