What if you could cut the time you spend on social media in half, yet double your effectiveness?
It's possible. For real! You can increase your social media ROI almost instantly.
You invest a lot of time and technology into social media -- and you deserve to get a return on that work!
ROI for social media doesn't have to be complicated. With a few small tweaks, you'll start seeing better results right away.
I've tried these things many times and experienced solid results -- so I know they work.
Try all these strategies together and watch your social media ROI go UP UP UP!
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5 Battle-Tested Tactics for Getting ROI on Social Media (Show Your BOSS!)
1. Increase your engagement
Your ROI for social media is directly linked to your engagement. If you put your accounts on auto-pilot -- it will be hard to reap the rewards.
You don't have to make a huge time commitment!
Just schedule 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night to really connect with your audience.
2. Make sure your posts are eye candy!
The easiest way to make your posts eye candy is to make them pop. The way to make them pop is to add images to as many of your social media posts as possible.
But there's more to it than that...
Are your image sizes correct? (Just posting the correct image size goes a long way to making it visually appealing.)
If you need help finding the correct sizes, check out this post with the updated social media image sizes.
Do you need to enhance the colors?
There are all kinds of free photo editing apps you can use right from your phone. Take the extra minute to make your image stand out.
Will it display well so it captures your audience's attention?
If you saw your image in your own Twitter stream, would you notice it?
Someone Built a Fully Functional #StarWars X-Wing Drone ~ http://t.co/3H0KdxbKsF *Yes, please. Thank you @DSPMark. :) pic.twitter.com/7Quy3lGMjx
— Diana Adams (@adamsconsulting) July 28, 2015
3. Clean up your social media accounts
Run a tight ship -- and you'll immediately have a better experience and better ROI for social media.
Unfollow the people who are inactive or on autopilot. This will force you to focus on the people you should be engaging with.
IMHO, social media ROI makes so much more sense when you're following a targeted group of active people who actually want to read your content.
I use ManageFlitter to manage my Twitter followers, but there are tons of great tools available!
(I usually wait until an account has been inactive for 60 days before unfollowing.)
4. Get into the heads of your followers/fans
With each piece of content, make your audience crave more from you. Become IRRESISTIBLE!
On social media, it's not about what you want -- it's about what they want. It's about what your audience craves. A lot of people get this concept flip-flopped.
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Tools like Post Planner can help you DISCOVER and PREDICT the content that will do well on your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
5. Make a commitment to invest time in learning, participating and observing social media EVERY SINGLE day
This is key for better social media ROI.
Social media is a moving target.
If you've ever stepped away for a week and then come back -- you know what I mean. Everything is in a constant state of change.
Make a commitment to learn more, do more and be more on social media daily.
That commitment will payoff time and time again. Put what you learn into practice each day!
The more you experiment with these tips, the more you'll discover what works for you and what doesn't.
Play with it. Break it. Fix it. Rinse and repeat.
The faster you do that -- the faster your ROI for social media will SOAR!
Let us know your results in the comment section below.
My guess is...you'll experience a higher engagement rate, increased retweets/likes, more traffic and a lot more reach.
ALL of those things lead to more opportunities to build genuine, long-term relationships and real results -- which is what social media is all about!
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