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7 Easy Ways to Repurpose Your Best Content for Social Media

Posted 28 November, 2017

Crafting quality content takes time.

Just think about it:

With everything from research, to creating images, writing posts and recording video, there's a lot involved.

And the worst part?

After all this work, even the best content can get buried on social media or outranked in search results.

So what's the answer?

Repurpose your top performing content for a whole new audience.

Your top performers are evergreen content, not here today and gone tomorrow tactics or ideas.

Instead, they're how-to, value-based posts, not the latest or greatest trends.

And if you've been blogging for any length of time, there's no doubt you've written this type of content.

But where do you begin? If you feel like you’re always creating, but never getting ahead, here's how to creatively repurpose it.

Below are 7 ways to revive old content, update it for social media, and give new life to those old blog posts!

Want to create a thriving business? Here's how to turn your Facebook Page into a successful business.

 7 Easy Ways to Repurpose Your Best Content for Social Media

Why Repurpose?

Your most popular posts are already proven hot topics for your audience.

Why not leverage that content to reach a wider audience, grow your social media engagement, and do it without spending the majority of your time on the creation process?

Repurposed content also has the potential to:

  • Engage a new set of website visitors
  • Spark fresh social engagement
  • Grab the attention of people who haven’t yet heard of your brand
  • Increase search engine ranking
  • Boost ROI for monetized sites

And so much more. The key is to find content your current audience already loves, and build upon it.

No reinventing the wheel, no long, drawn out new content strategy.

Just good old fashioned repurposing!

Top Ways to Revive Old Content

When you repurpose, you have the chance to share new information, redistribute existing posts, and bring added value to your readers.

Look for the most popular posts on your site and those without the potential to become outdated. That's the evergreen content I mentioned above.

To find your top performers, head over to Google Analytics. Filter based on traffic and conversions.

Once you've written down your top 7-10 posts, try these seven powerful ways to generate more traffic with less effort.

1) Expand a List

Do you have an amazing list of tips or a handy “how-to” guide your readers really love? Break it up into its own post series.

A post on 10 ways to attract more web traffic with SEO tactics could become 10 new standalone posts, each expanding on the original list.

For example, this list from Leapfrogger could each become its own post. 


Giving more information increases value and provides the opportunity to add internal links.

Google and other search engines follow these link networks when crawling your site to index as many pages as possible.

When you link between similar content with a high perceived value, you help increase rankings for your content and boost overall visibility in search results.

2) Make Images

List posts and posts containing a lot of statistics translate well into images. You can create infographics, Pinterest posts or Instagram images condensing the information.

Drop it into a format easy for mobile users to consume and social media aficionados to share. This graphic is one way to take a piece of content and tranform it into new media.


Images also make it possible for readers to grasp complex concepts without confusion and gain a greater understanding of what you were trying to convey in the original post.

Visual content also generates higher engagement than text alone, helping you bring your expertise to more people.

Creating images asks for the investment of time and money. If the marketing campaign is running on a tight budget, you could make use of stock images for promoting your infographic as well.

For example, you created an infographic of the fashion industry and while promoting it in emails, you make use of fashion niche royalty free images to grab the initial attraction of the person and keeping the infographic as a surprise.

This can drive the curiosity of that person to read the email and click through to the post.

3) Go Social with Older Posts

Sometimes you create a post so good, you can’t imagine changing anything.

If you’re lucky enough to have a post or two like this, try making the content the focus of a small social media campaign.

Sharing posts a second time can generate as much as 75 percent of the engagement received when the content first went live, and many visitors may be people who never saw the post when it was originally published.


There may also be content on your blog you never shared in the past, so consider digging these posts out of the archives and giving them new life through social media.

4) Become a Presenter

Platforms like SlideShare are great for bloggers and other content creators looking for fresh ways to share content.

The same list posts and guides you use to create a series of posts can also be repurposed into presentations for people to click through at their leisure.

Create slides with your main points, and expand on the information in subsequent slides to round out the content.

If you delved fairly deep into a particular topic, you may want to consider turning it into a full webinar and making a little extra money through registrations. 

5) Power Up Your Newsletter

Your email list can be a gold mine for conversions if you add value to what you share.

Put links to relevant blog posts in your regular newsletter, or create a special collection of emails based around a topic in a past post. 


Source: Modern Luxury

It could be a series of tips sent out of the course of a week, a unique month-long discussion of a pertinent topic or an engaging series of quick thoughts.

Make sure each email is distinctive and shareable to maximize the potential for engagement. 

6) Tweet Your Way to Greatness

Posts with a wealth of information, especially collections of statistics or impactful quotes, make great Twitter content.

Find the hidden gems in your most popular posts, and set up a series of tweets containing links back to the original content.

Whether presented as text or in an image, these quick messages can wind up generating a lot of traffic through retweets and subsequent shares of the full post on other platforms.

7) Bundle it Together

What if you’ve been blogging for years and have an extensive archive of content?

Great news!

Bring together all posts on similar topics into whitepapers or e-books.

Whitepapers are shorter, more condensed offerings usually offered for free in exchange for contact information so that you can grow your email list. 

7options3.pngAn e-book provides more content and more value. Visitors are often willing to pay a small fee for the privilege of learning from your expertise.

To go from blogger to author, all you have to do is edit the content to make it flow smoothly and package it in an attractive format. 

Final Thoughts

The adage of “create less, promote more” may sound like a surefire way to kill your blog, but once you understand how to repurpose your content, you’ll see how powerful this advice really is.

Reworking posts, updating content and sharing ideas in new ways expands your reach without demanding a huge time investment and has the potential to prompt a fresh wave of engagement.

You’ll have more time to hone ideas and create new content while previous posts continue to bring visitors to your site and increase the visibility of your brand across the web.

Tell me in the comments below! How are you repurposing your content?

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