What kind of Facebook posts would you say go viral?
- Inspiring quotes
- Thank you's
- Humor
- Selfies
- Memes
The answer is all of them, a couple of them, and none of them.
That's because everyone's fans are different. There's no one-size-fits-all solution for every Facebook page.
On the Post Planner blog, we’ve recently looked at the most popular Facebook photos from industries like:
- air travel
- professional football
- real estate
- fitness
One thing we've learned is that an image that works for one industry may fall flat for another.
So how do you find the best content for your Facebook page? Content that will get your fans to share your posts?
I'm going to show you how to narrow the search to find what works well for your industry.
And it's as easy as using Post Planner's 'Find' feature!
An Easy New Way to Get Your Posts to Go Viral on Facebook
Your competitors post all kinds of content -- and they might not know what works best for their audience.
With this tool, you can find out!
And you can work smarter.
These tips will help you determine what content will go viral on Facebook for your page.
Find the Most Shared Photos from Pages in Your Industry
Post Planner's FIND feature does the heavy lifting for you. You're able to find industry-specific content that’s scientifically proven to increase engagement and reach.
Below is a short video with step-by-step instructions to find unique content to share on social media:
1. Log into Post Planner
2. Click "Find" on the Left Sidebar Menu
3. Look under "Popular Topics"
You'll see several folders that are organized by category and also pre-curated sources under "Industries."
4. Add Content that's specific to your Niche
Add your favorite Facebook Pages, Keywords, Twitter Handles, Instagram Hashtags or RSS Feeds in the Find section.
This way, all content is in one place AND it's scored for social performance so you can predict engagement before sharing.
5. Choose the Right Time Filter
If you don't find what you're looking for, begin to filter content by time frame:
- New
- Week
- Month
- All
Here's an example from Post Planner's fitness folder that shows images arranged according to the most shared last month:
6. Don’t stop! Now create folders for lots of other topics.
Want to share images from the other topics on any Facebook page directly from Post Planner? You can do that!
Inspiring quotes, for example, get strong engagement from all kinds of fans -- not just those on fitness pages.
This image from a fitness page could be used for almost any industry:

We've used the viral photo finder to boost engagement on our Facebook page by 5x!
You can too.
So what are you waiting for?
Don't you want that extra edge? :)
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