Competition online IS TOUGH!
While you're sleeping, someone else is doing push-ups and getting ready to raid your niche.
Are you with me?
But did you know you don't have to chase flavor-of-the-week strategies and spend all your time in front of a computer to see results on Facebook?
The TRUTH IS that a handful of core principles (executed really well) are the primary tools you need to grow business and stay competitive.
Would you like to know what those core principles are?
Here's all the information you need -- rolled into one sweet and valuable infographic!
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20 Facebook Tips Your Competitors Don't Want You to Know
1. Optimize your About section
Your About section on Facebook offers your business a great way to showcase its latest products, services and testimonials.
It also gives your fans more information on what it is you do.
And remember -- there's 2 sections to the About info. Check this Scott Ayres post to find out more: 8 Ways to Kick Ass on Facebook!
2. Revamp your Facebook cover Image
Your Facebook cover image is the biggest real estate your business has on Facebook.
That's why you want to ensure it grabs the attention of your fans as soon as they visit your Page.
- Be sure to take advantage of Facebook's "Call to action" buttons for the cover image to help drive traffic to your most important announcements
- To keep your Page engaging, you'll want to update it regularly (twice a month is a good start)
3. Do it right with your Facebook profile photo
Your Facebook profile photo is viewed more than your cover image. It appears in a bunch of different places:
- In the News Feed of your followers
- When replying to comments
- On posts in your timeline
- When users view your cover image on your timeline
- When commenting on other Pages
When creating your profile photo, be sure you're using the correct dimensions (160x160 px). Some say it's best to upload at 180x180px and let Facebook shrink to fit.
Try both ways and see if one works best for you.
PRO TIP: Listen to advice. Try options. But always, always, always watch to see what works best for YOUR PAGE.
4. Talk to your fans (if you want to keep them around)
Building relationships is paramount on Facebook, and one of the best ways to get connected is through conversations with your fans.
- Always take time to add that personal touch
- Use first names when you reply, and respond to every comment that needs a response
- This is why you'll see me sign off comments on Post Planner with my name... ~ Ravi
5. Ask engaging questions
A great way to create more engagement on your Facebook Page is to ask questions in the comments.
Questions not only help you find out more about your fans and their work -- but they encourage the community to open up and get active.
- Try asking questions -- then watch your comments, likes and shares climb accordingly
6. Become more visual
With more and more Pages being created every day, it's important to create visually appealing content on your Facebook Page.
- Visual content helps your Page stand out in the News Feed
- In fact, you can create a great looking image quickly: The 3-minute visual
7. Mix up your content
Facebook's algorithm is dynamic: It's constantly adjusting and adapting to cater to the type of content people most want to see.
- Don't get in a rut and post the same old thing day after day. Experiment to see what your fan base likes best
- Keep watch on competitors' sites to draw out strategic tips and info
Looking for a way to discover the BEST content quickly and schedule your posts a week or more in advance?
That's what Post Planner is all about!
8. Stay specific and focused
When creating content for your Page, cut to the chase! If your readers want a book, they'll go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.
- Be sure to keep your theme and topics in line with your brand
- If you sell widgets -- talk about widget topics, not about swimwear (unless you can connect bikinis to widgets).
9. Don't post too much!
Yes, there is such a thing as posting too much. However there's no golden number on the number of posts to share in a single day.
- The key is to be sure your posts have spaces of time (at least 3 hrs, perhaps) between them
10. Entertain your fans
Don't make it all about business!
- Showcase your lighter side and inject some personality into your content
- Check out the 3P's of Marketing
11. Admit your mistakes
When you make a mistake... admit it.
- Honesty will go a long ways towards building trust and transparency
- Your fans would much rather you admit a mistake than see you try to cover it up or deny it
Face it now: You're human!
There's no question about WHETHER you will err -- the only question is, "What will you do about it?"
That's what your fans want to know.
12. Be persistently persistent
Your Facebook fans enjoy your content and are intestested in what your business has to offer.
You may sometimes feel as if nobody is listening, though.
It happens to the best of us. You may even want to give up on Facebook.
Don't do that!
If you know you're serving up the content your fans want and need, keep it up (mix it up, for sure, but keep it up).- Ask questions
- Keep engaging your audience
13. Take care to moderate wisely
Having good customer service on your fan Page means knowing how to deal with both positive and negative comments.
- The worst thing you can do is ignore feedback
- Approach each situation individually
Classic advice is you should take the discussion away from Facebook to help resolve any customer service issues. Sometimes, though, you need to let your community air an issue out.
If you're getting comment spam, though... just delete it.14. Stay current with changes
It's important to keep an eye on Facebook's latest updates to help your business get the most out its Facebook investment.
- When Facebook announces an update, pay attention
- If changes are in order, make them
But always, always, always monitor the reaction to changes from YOUR audience and adjust accordingly.
15. Don't automate EVERYTHING
Using a tool to schedule your content on Facebook an save you a ton of time (and let you get a little sleep every now and then).
We hear from Post Planner fans every day who say being able to find and schedule the right content for their audience has freed them up to do a whole lot more with their daily allotment of time.
- Schedule your posts -- YES -- but take a hands-on approach with audience interaction
- Listen to your people, talk with them and engage them in continued conversation
Build community!
16. Don't use no bad grammar :)
Facebook understands we don't always get things right the first time -- especially when it comes to grammar.
That's why there's an "Edit" feature!
When possible, get someone else to proofread for you. The more eyes... the better.
17. Get friendly with Facebook Insights
Facebook Page Insights can help your business stay on track.
- Check Insights at least once each week
- Pay attention to the metrics most important to your business
Insights is a demographic and audience interaction gold mine!
18. Make every like count
It's more important that you have the RIGHT fans than a lot of fans.
Avoid using "Fan Page Fridays" and similar ploys. Taking part in activities of that nature can actually HURT your chances of reaching your more passionate fans -- those who enjoy what you have to offer.And never, ever, never pay for Facebook likes.
If you want to spend some money on Facebook -- invest it in Boost Posts!
19. Use Facebook ads
Take Advantage of Facebook Ads to drive traffic to targeted users who will enjoy your content.
You don't need a huge budget to get started with ads. Not only that, but do it right and your ad investment will show a healthy ROI.
- Testing different targeting methods and ad types can help you understand the content mix your fans prefer
20. Promote your top posts
If you're a small or local business, Facebook boosted posts can help you reach your ideal audience.
- Your can target your ads by interests, location, gender and other key metrics
- Boosted posts are a smart way to amplify content that is already performing well
20 Facebook Tips Your Competitors Don't Want You to Know -- the Bottom Line
Do you want to gain an edge over the competition?
Then check your current Facebook strategy against this 20-point Facebook tips list.
Try other things, if you wish -- but make sure the fundamentals are in place first.
Do you think something is missing? Is there a 21st tip you want to share?
Comments are open!
Come on in and talk about it.
Many thanks to Lyubcho Kostadinov -- the internet marketing maven who compiled the infographic this post was based on.
You're the man, Lyubcho!
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